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2021/4/18 21:19:54发布103次查看
416 plus
- 高刚性整体式加工的机身结构,压铆工作过程 中无变形,确保压铆精度
- 按人体工程学设计的机身结构及完美的模具组 合,简便灵活的操作模式,一个人就可以方便的 完成大部分复杂的压铆工作
- 快速设置最佳的目标压铆力并保证压力重复精 度达到±1%
- 冲压载荷: 最大44kn
- 喉深: 406mm
- 100%防压手安全系统
- 最新设计的高可靠性、高稳定的节能液压系统
- 使噪音降低到35分贝
- 最大可以压接m8碳钢螺母于碳钢基材
- 随机配置标准工具/模具架
- 标准颜色:蓝白
- 标准电压:单相220v/50hz
main feature:
-high stiffness, structure, high stability, less deformation, less vibration, high accuracy
-ergonomic design frame and different size tooling package with easy operation panel to meet most of the complex insertion process by single operator
-quick press force setting and repeatability ±1%
-force range max 44kn
-throat depth 406 mm
-100% safety system
-energy saving re-design reliability and energy efficiency
of a full hydraulic system
-noise reduced to 35db
-possibility to insert m8 nut with the mild steel
-equipped with standard tooling storage
-blue & white color
-standard power supply 1 phase 220v/50hz
machine order number
618 plus
- 高刚性整体式加工的机身结构,压铆工作过程中无 变形,确保压铆精度
- 按人体工程学设计的机身结构及完美的模具组 合,简便灵活的操作模式,一个人就可以方便的完 成大部分复杂的压铆工作
- 快速设置最佳的目标压铆力并保证压力重复精度 达到±1%
- 冲压载荷:最大54kn
- 喉深: 458mm
- 最新设计的高可靠性、高稳定的节能液压系统
- 100%防压手安全系统;
- 最大可以压接m10碳钢螺母于碳钢基材
- 标准颜色:蓝白
- 标准电压:3相380v/50hz
main feature
-high stiffness, structure, high stability, less vibration, high accuracy
-ergonomic design frame and different size tooling package with easy operation panel to meet most of the complex insertion process by single operator
-quick press force setting and repeatability ±1%
-ram force range max 54kn
-throat depth 458 mm
-100% safety system
-energy saving re-design reliability and energy efficiency of
a full hydraulic system
-optional auto feeding system and clinching joint system
-possibility to insert m10 nut with the mild steel
-blue &white color
-standard power supply 3 phase 380v/50hz
machine order number
​824 plus
- 高刚性整体式加工的机身结构,压铆工作过程 中无变形,确保压铆精度
- 按人体工程学设计的机身结构及完美的模具组 合,简便灵活的操作模式,一个人就可以方便的 完成大部分复杂的压铆工作
- 快速设置最佳的目标压铆力并保证压力重复精 度达到±1%;
- 冲压载荷:最大72kn
- 喉深:    610mm
- 最新设计的高可靠性、高稳定的节能液压系统
- 100%防压手安全系统
- 标配模具保护限位装置
- 最大可以压接m12碳钢螺母于碳钢基材
- 通过调整保压时间可以最大压铆m8的不锈钢螺 母在不锈钢板材等较硬的材料
- 标准颜色:蓝白
- 标准电压:3相380v/50hz
main feature
-high stiffness, structure, high stability, less vibration, high accuracy
-ergonomic design frame and different size tooling package with easy operation panel to meet most of the complex insertion process by single operator
-quick press force setting and repeatability ±1%
-ram force range max 72kn
-throat depth 610 mm
-energy saving re-design reliability and energy efficiency
of a full hydraulic system
-100% safety system
-standard tooling protection system
-optional auto feeding system and self -clinch tooling
-possibility to insert m12 nut with the mild steel
-variable dwell time for use stainless steel m8 nut and materials and the others hard materials
-blue &white color
-standard power supply 3 phase 380v/50hz
machine order number


中国 上海


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